5 Things You can do to balance your pet’s root chakra
Caring for your companion’s emotional and physical well-being is as crucial as providing them food and shelter. Just like humans, animals have chakras, or energy centers, and the root chakra is a mighty anchor for their feelings of safety and stability. Understanding your pet’s energy centers can be helpful in tracking their overall health and emotional balance. Knowing how to balance it can lead to a happier, healthier companion.

Understanding the Root Chakra
The root chakra, situated at the base of the spine, is a power center of fundamental energy. It connects us to the Earth’s grounding forces and keeps our energetic body safely tied into our reality. This chakra influences feelings of safety and survival instincts, and when it is out of balance, that can have a profound effect on the entire body.
The Role of the Root Chakra in Pets
Think of the root chakra as the foundation of a house. Just as a strong foundation supports a building, a balanced root chakra supports your pet’s overall energy. It’s the bedrock of their emotional security and confidence. When balanced, animals feel secure, connected, and at ease. They thrive in life’s routines, feeling calm and unshaken by changes.
Signs of an Imbalanced Root Chakra
How can you tell if your pet’s root chakra is out of whack?
Excessive barking, meowing, whinnying, etc.
General unease
Ueasy herd or pack dynamics
Lack of self-routine
An anxious pet, or one with sudden fears, could be showing signs of imbalance.
Further physical symptoms might include digestive issues or eating disorders, ulcers, body tension, teeth grinding, angry body language, and poor hoof health in horses. If your animal just seems out of sorts, their root chakra might need some attention.
Ways to Balance Your Companion’s Root Chakra
Finding equilibrium in your pet’s energy helps them feel more at home in their skin. Here are five practical ways to restore harmony to their root chakra.

- Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation fosters a peaceful connection and calms the spirit, connecting us more deeply to the Earth. If you find it hard to meditate, consider if you have any preconceived notions as to what meditation is supposed to look like. Meditation isn’t just sitting cross legged and chanting or doing breathwork. It might be listening to music; taking a walk and picking up pretty leaves; or petting your dog and really feeling, listening, smelling, and interacting with what you’re experiencing. Being grounded yourself before trying to help your animals is a must!
Guided meditation can soothe more than human souls. Choose a root chakra meditation from Youtube, Spotify, or your favorite streaming service. Sit quietly with your pet and gently place your hand at the base of their spine or top of their tail. Focus on calm, positive thoughts and deep breaths while encouraging your pet to relax beside you.

- Physical Exercise and Movement
Exercise is non-negotiable for grounding energy. Just like humans need a good workout, animals benefit from regular physical activity. Long walks, playful games of fetch, learning tricks at liberty, or any engaging activity helps release pent-up energy, fostering grounded calmness.
When you are out in nature, leave your worries behind and fully commit to being grounded and present for your companion. I often hear animals request that their guardian puts down the phone when interacting with them, because they desire a deeper connection with us. Disconnecting from the tech allows us to connect with the world!
- Use of Crystals and Natural Elements
Crystals can work wonders to bring about balance in the chakras! Place natural grounding stones like hematite, obsidian, or red jasper near your animal’s bed or stall. It’s as if you are bringing Earth’s steadfastness into your home, promoting your pet’s stability.
Burning natural elements like sustainably sourced sage, cinnamon sticks, lavender, palo santo, and other incense helps to clear out stagnant energies and refresh the energy in your home or barn. Of course, use care when burning anything around hay and shavings! One of my favorite tricks is to burn the item outside and only carry it through the barn once it’s fully out and no longer dropping any ashes, intending that the smoke and aroma are still fully drifting into the stalls.

- Creating a Safe Environment
Ensure your pet’s living area feels secure. Does their bed give them a sense of safety? Minimize loud noises and sudden disruptions. A calm, predictable environment will help them feel protected and secure. The little touches, like soft bedding and a quiet nook, can make a huge difference.
Being a reliable source of compassion and comfort for your companion is incredibly important. Consistency gives a deep sense of security to animals, especially horses with a high flight instinct. Make sure your energy is grounded before interacting with your pet and be the same person every time.
Photo by RDNE Stock project
- Energy Healing Techniques
Consider energy healing methods like Reiki or intuitive energy healing. Healers channel energy into your pet, bringing balance in all chakras, not just the root. This can be a great way to relieve stress and foster well-being.
You can also do this at home! I fully believe everyone has the ability to be an energy healer. If you’re open to sitting quietly and listening to the lead of the Universe and your companions, you can be led to discover just how powerful of a healer you already are.
Balancing your pet’s root chakra isn’t just a spiritual endeavor; it’s a practical way to ensure they feel stable, safe, and secure. By integrating these techniques into your care routine, you’ll boost their happiness, deepen your bond, and support their energetic and physical health. Embracing these practices is an investment in your pet’s overall health and peace.